



作者:不详   来源: JZ5U整理   日期:2019/06/13 15:13:26
不限制大小!Google Video Uploader 可以让您将视频文件上传到 Google 搜索引擎中去,支持的文件格式有:mpg, .mpeg, .avi, .ra, .ram, .mov, .wmv, .asf。上传的不同文件必须给与不同的文件名,否则老的文件将被覆盖。上传完后,再提交有关文件的信息就可以完成了。

Upload video
Before uploading your video to Google, we prefer that you encode your video files using mpeg-2 or mpeg-4 codecs with mp3 audio (learn more about the preferred file formats). We accept the following file types: .mpg, .mpeg, .avi, .ra, .ram, .mov, .wmv, .asf.

To ensure your upload is successful, please follow the steps below. Remember that after you upload your video to us, you'll need to add your video information via your Video Status page.

Uploading Steps (1-3)
1. Install the Google Video Uploader:

If you get stuck in the process, visit Downloading and Installing the Google Video Uploader for instructions.

2. Upload your video file(s) to Google using the Uploader: Follow steps A to D below.

A. Click the Login button, and enter your account information.

B. Click the Add button to upload one or multiple video files.

C. Check the box to agree to our Terms of Service.

D. Click Upload now to submit your video(s) to Google.

3. Add your video information via your Video Status page : In order to complete the upload process, you must visit your Video Status page and click "Add" beneath your Video Information column to submit a title, description, price, and other details of the video(s) you just uploaded.

For detailed instructions, please visit our Upload Video Instructions page.



